Harnessing the Power of Google Analytics: Deep Dive into Web Services, API, Property ID, and Streams

arnessing the Power of Google Analytics: Deep Dive into Web Services, API, Property ID, and Streams
  • By Subhadeep Bhattacharjee,
    Published on: Jun 13, 2023
  • Updated on: Jun 19, 2023
  • Analytics

“Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.”
Peter Sondergaard 

This quote from the former VP at Gartner summarizes the importance of analytics. You need to know the pulse of your audience to make the most intelligent marketing decisions. The web analytics market has been growing steadily in the last two decades. According to a recent study by Fortune Business Insights, this market, which had a valuation of $5.84 billion in 2021, will grow to $18.33 billion in 2027. And when the talk shifts to web analytics, Google Analytics has become a key tool for website owners, marketers, and analysts. Site analytics with Google is the best way to gain insights into website performance and audience behavior. 

It is the most popular among the Google web analytics tools, including Google Universal Analytics and Google Global Site Tag. To understand the sheer impact and domination of Google Analytics, let us look at some Google Analytics web vitals before we proceed any further – 

Now that you understand the impact of Google Analytics and its importance in tracking websites and marketing campaigns let us dive into the world of Google Analytics. Here, we shall explore key components such as web services, API, property ID, and Google Analytics web stream. This knowledge will help you harness the real power of Google Analytics, unlock valuable data, and make data-driven decisions.

Overview of Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the go-to web analytics tool. In a market that has dozens of free website analytics tools, it is the clear winner by a long distance. It provides valuable data and metrics about your website's visitors, their behavior, and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. It lets you take a granular view of your users and track KPIs such as the number of visitors, traffic sources, page views, conversion rates, and more.

How Does Google Analytics Work?

Google Analytics uses JavaScript code, cookies, and a web crawler to track engagement on your website and offer valuable insights. When visitors land on your website with the tracking code, their browser sends a request to the Google Analytics servers, which record the data. The tracking code captures this information and sends it back to the Google Analytics servers. 

Each website is assigned a unique identifier called the Google Analytics web property ID. This ID is included in the tracking code and helps Google Analytics differentiate between websites. Google Analytics integrates with Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools). This integration allows website owners to gain deeper insights into their website's performance in search engine results and identify keywords that drive traffic.

Benefits of Using Google Analytics

If you have been using Google Analytics, you already know its numerous benefits to website management and marketing campaigns. However, if you are new to web analytics, here are the benefits of using Google Analytics. 

  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Google Analytics allows you to make informed decisions by providing measurable insights into your website's performance and user engagement. By studying the KPIs, you understand which marketing channels and campaigns are effective and which need an overhaul.
  • Website Optimization: By analyzing user behavior, you can identify areas for improvement on your website. You can work on different aspects to improve the performance of your website, such as optimizing page load times, identifying the bottlenecks in conversion, and improving user experience.
  • Audience Segmentation: With Google Analytics, you can segment your audience based on demographics, geography, device used, and behavior. This segmentation helps you tailor your marketing efforts to specific user groups for better engagement and conversions.
  • Tracking Goals and Conversions: You can set up goals and track conversions in Google Analytics to measure the success of specific actions on your website, such as form submissions, purchases, or newsletter sign-ups. It allows continuous improvement of your marketing strategy. 

Basic Terminology and Concepts In Google Analytics

If you use Google Analytics for website tracking and optimization, you must know these basic terminologies and concepts - 

  • Metrics: These are quantitative measurements of your website's performance. Popular metrics include the number of visitors, bounce rate, average session duration, and conversion rate.
  • Pageviews: A pageview records a user visiting your website. It helps you identify the most popular pages that engage your visitors. 
  • Sessions: A session represents a user's visit to your website. It starts when a user enters your site and ends when they leave or after a specified period of inactivity.
  • Bounce Tate: It tracks the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. As a marketer, you must aim for a lower bounce rate and ensure users visit multiple pages on your site. 
  • Conversion Rate: It measures the percentage of users who complete a desired action on your website, such as purchasing, filling out a contact form, or subscribing to your newsletter.  
  • Traffic Sources: These refer to the channels a user uses to arrive at your website, such as organic search, direct visits, referrals from other websites, or social media.
  • Dimensions: These provide additional context to your metrics. Dimensions usually include data such as the source/medium of traffic, the device used, geographic location, and more.

What Are Google Analytics Web Services?

We have discussed the basics of Google Analytics and its benefits. It's time to turn our attention to web services. Web services refer to the functionality and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) provided by Google to interact with the Google Analytics platform programmatically. These APIs let you retrieve data from Google Analytics and use it to automate your reporting processes and integrate Google Analytics data into other systems and applications.

How Do Google Analytics Web Services Work?

Web services enable you to collect data by using Google Analytics web APIs. These APIs allow developers to send data directly to Google Analytics servers. This data can include various metrics and dimensions related to user behavior, website performance, conversions, etc. These APIs offer access to a wide range of data and metrics in Google Analytics, allowing for flexible and customized reporting based on specific business needs. Google Analytics Web Services allows you to perform a variety of tasks, including:

  • Querying Data: You can retrieve different types of data from Google Analytics. These include website traffic, user demographics, behavior, and conversion metrics. It allows you to analyze and gain insights from your applications' data.
  • Creating Custom Reports: You can design and generate custom reports using the API tailored to your needs and requirements. It lets you present the data in a meaningful format to your business.
  • Automating Data Retrieval: Using the API, you can automate the process of retrieving data from Google Analytics at regular intervals. It lets you update your data and integrate it seamlessly into your systems or dashboards.
  • Updating And Managing Configurations: You can use the API to update and manage various configurations within Google Analytics, such as goals, filters, segments, and custom dimensions. 

Integration of Google Analytics Web Services

Google Analytics web services facilitate easy integration of website analytics in Google with other platforms and systems. Let us look at a few examples -

  • Custom Dashboards: You can use web services to integrate Google Analytics data into custom dashboards or reporting tools. By fetching data through APIs and visualizing it in a customized manner, you can create personalized dashboards tailored to your specific metrics and key performance indicators.
  • CRM Integration: Web services facilitate easy integration between Google Analytics and your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. You can easily pull Google Analytics data into CRM platforms, derive insights into customer behavior conversions, and study the impact of your marketing campaigns.
  • Marketing Automation: Web services can integrate Google Analytics with your marketing automation platforms. This integration allows you to trigger automated actions based on user behavior captured in Google Analytics. These actions include sending personalized emails or targeted ads to specific segments of website visitors.
  • Mobile App Analytics: Web services in the latest version of Google Analytics GA4 enable the integration of Google Analytics with mobile apps. You can use the Google Analytics Mobile SDKs and APIs to track user behavior, app engagement, and conversions, providing valuable insights for mobile app optimization and marketing strategies.

What Is Google Analytics Reporting API?

The Google Analytics Reporting API is one of the web services provided by Google. With this, developers can retrieve data and generate custom reports programmatically. The Reporting API provides access to a comprehensive set of dimensions, metrics, and segments in Google Analytics. It supports various queries, including simple queries for basic data retrieval and complex queries for advanced reporting requirements. Reporting API lets you specify the necessary dimensions and metrics, set filters and date ranges, and retrieve data in JSON format. 

What is Google Analytics Web Stream?

Web streams in Google Analytics is a feature that allows real-time collection and analysis of website data, providing immediate insights. By setting up and configuring web streams, you can track the performance of your campaigns and analyze user behavior in real-time. Web streams let you define goals and KPIs, including configuring the Google Analytics web crawler to leverage real-time data. Using it, you can keep track of various KPIs in real-time, such as active users, pageviews, events, and conversions.

What is Google Analytics Web Property?

Google Analytics web property is a unique identifier assigned to each website in Google Analytics. The Google Analytics web property id is crucial in tracking and reporting website data. Obtaining a web property ID for your website involves creating a Google Analytics account, setting up a property, and retrieving the assigned ID.

Final Thoughts

Google Analytics offers marketers insightful information to help you understand your website's performance and audience behavior. By harnessing the power of web services, API, property ID, and streams, you can make informed decisions to optimize your website's success. When you have your hands on the pulse of your users, you can take your campaign to the next level. If you want to harness the true power of web analytics with Google, we can help. At Growth Natives, we have a team of experts who have web analytics Google certification and can implement Google analytics web applications on your website from scratch. We empower you further by integrating your analytics platform with CRM and Marketing Automation platforms. Call our toll-free number, +1 855-693-4769, or email us at info@growthnatives.com for more.

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Subhadeep Bhattacharjee

Subhadeep Bhattacharjee is a content writer who follows the world of technology and business. With a passion for both cutting-edge tech and the fascinating world of business, he is on a mission to explore the intersection of these two worlds and share his opinion. When not poring over the latest advancements in AI, marketing automation, and cybersecurity, he is following cricketing action from around the world.


Google Analytics provides insights and data about website performance, visitor behavior, and marketing effectiveness. It tracks and analyzes metrics to help you make informed decisions, optimize your websites, and improve marketing strategies.

Create a new property by clicking “Admin” in Google Analytics and selecting “Create Property” under the desired account. Generate your unique tracking ID and place the same in your website’s HTML.

You can measure website traffic with Google Analytics by signing in to your account and navigating to the “Real-Time” or “Audience” section. You will find real-time data or comprehensive reports on metrics like sessions, users, pageviews, and more.

Supercharge your data analysis with Google Analytics!

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