5 Tips to Turn Your Website into a Lead Generation Machine in 2022

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We bet you are already working on your lead generation campaign for 2022. As marketers get ready to welcome the New Year, the goal remains the same—turn the website into a lead generation machine.
Almost 64% of small businesses have invested in having a website. However, a website that doesn’t generate leads serves little purpose in a competitive environment. Businesses are looking beyond having a mere web presence and the focus is now on generating revenue and value for the brand.
You’d like every single potential customer to visit your website. What happens next would determine your success. Apart from the right user experience, it is equally important that you give them the right direction or in other words, generate leads. Let’s dive deep into five ways in which you can turn your website into a lead generation machine in 2022.
1. Organic Search Will Remain King in 2022 and Beyond
The more traffic you generate, the higher is the possibility of lead generation. The organic search would continue to remain the most important means of powering your lead generation campaign. Google processes 5.6 billion searches daily or approximately 63,000 searches every second! Hence, optimizing your website and the landing pages is key to success.
Carry out a deep audit of the website using tools such as Google Search Console, HubSpot Website Grader, Google Analytics, Bing Webmaster, etc. These would help in determining the strengths and weaknesses of your site in terms of discoverability, mobile friendliness, and site load speed. Work on areas such as code semantics, URL structure, size of images, etc. to optimize the website for the search engines. These steps would help in improving your SEO score and drive more traffic to your website.
2. Multi-Channel Approach Will Continue to Rule
Focusing on your organic search alone won’t earn you the rewards you are looking for. It is important to attract users to your landing pages from different channels. This strategy helps leverage your web presence to the fullest and attracts the maximum number of users to your website. Here are some of the things you must focus on -
- Social Media Marketing – Social media handles are a great way to drive traffic to your website. Run campaigns on different social media handles and link them back to your website. Be regular with your posts and reply to the comments as this will engage the users and increase the odds of them clicking your link.
- Blog Marketing – Blogs are not only the best means to establish your authority, but they also fuel your lead generation campaign. Link your blogs to the lead capture page on your website and it would bring you tons of qualified leads.
- Email Marketing – People have written an obituary for email marketing over the last decade, but it continues to remain strong. Use email marketing proactively and don’t forget to link your site to the body of the email and not rely on the signature section alone.
3. Adding Form to ‘Hero’ Pages Will Help
Forms are the quickest and the most productive means of capturing leads on your website. Close to 50% of B2C businesses report forms to generate the most qualified leads for them. If your website doesn’t have lead generation forms adding one would earn you rich dividends. This form can be as simple as the “Contact Me” form. Adding a form offers users a clear direction once they are interested in your product or service. This also adds a new qualification criterion to your lead generation campaign.
Carry out a deep audit of the website to identify the high-traffic landing pages or ‘Hero’ Pages. Adding forms to these lead-generating pages would take your campaign further. It is important to focus on the right information to ask and avoid making the forms too long to discourage users from filling them. Four to five fields including Name, Email, Phone Number, Job Title, etc. should be enough to get in touch with them.
4. Live AI-Powered Chat Service Will Be a Bonus
Offering live chat service to visitors is one of the most productive ways of boosting lead generation. Human-run live chat services are expensive and out of bounds for most small businesses. AI-powered chatbots are enabling even the smallest of businesses to add live chat services to their website.
Integrating a live chat service on your website would ensure that your users' needs are addressed immediately. Many businesses are adopting a hybrid model where they are integrating AI-powered chat services with the customer support team for better engagement and higher conversions.
Unlike traditional chatbots, AI-powered catboats can understand users’ queries and give accurate answers to their questions. It is estimated that 15% of all live interactions would be handled by chatbots in 2022. These chatbots go through a learning process over time what is often referred to as Natural Language Processing or NLP. This improves the understanding of queries and provides users with the most appropriate answers to questions.
Call to Actions Will Play a Key Role
You can’t allow a visitor to leave your website without taking any action on your website. Call to action is one of the most important elements of your website. Along with forms you can adopt one of the following methods to generate leads:
- Free Trial – Offering a free trial of services to users is a good way to generate leads. They let users experience your product before buying them.
- Subscribe to Newsletter - Most users prefer to have a non-invasive experience while browsing websites. Letting them subscribe to newsletters helps you keep them updated on your products and services.
- Free Consultation – You can offer a free and no-obligation consultation to your users. This is one of the best ways to capture leads.
- Free Downloads – To generate leads you can offer free software and other downloads to your users. Doing so would help you gather their contact details for future marketing campaigns.
Final Words
Your website can be a game-changer and drive your lead generation campaign forward. It requires the same attention as other digital marketing campaigns you are running. Most businesses make the mistake of seeing a website as an end. It is a means of achieving tons of high-quality leads. Executing the strategies mentioned above would help you reap the rewards. It will turn your website into the lead generation machine you have always wanted.
If you want to derive maximum dividends from your web presence and turn your website into a lead generation machine in 2022, Growth Natives can help. We offer end-to-end digital marketing services that will help cash in on your online presence and edge past your competition. To know more about our services or ask any other queries, write to us at info@growthnatives.com.
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Sakshi Arora
Sakshi Arora is a seasoned content writer and editor with extensive experience across various industries including B2C, B2B, travel, e-commerce, and IT. In her free time, she enjoys expressing her creative side through painting and writing poetry. She also finds solace in nature and has a deep spiritual connection. Music brings her immense joy.