How You Can Use Marketo Sales Connect to Convert More Leads

How You Can Use Marketo Sales Connect to Convert More Leads
  • By Rahul Saini,
    Published on: Apr 03, 2023
  • Updated on: Apr 24, 2023
  • Marketo

Marketing automation software like Marketo Sales Connect can do wonders for your sales team, yet it is surprisingly underutilized. While marketing teams harness Marketo sales engage in generating, nurturing, and qualifying leads, sales teams often rely on manual efforts of sending one-off emails and guessing which companies and employees to target.

However, if sales teams took the time to understand how marketing automation platforms like Marketo Sales Connect/Marketo Engage can help them, they could save significant time and effort in finding qualified leads. 

So why aren't all the salespeople taking advantage of Marketo sales connect or other marketing automation tools to enhance their sales efforts, and how can Marketo engage help sales reps?

Listening Is Key!

By listening to prospects with Marketo sales connect, sales teams can eliminate the guesswork in targeting. 

  • They can discover what interests their prospects 
  • What they're saying about similar products or services
  • How they engage with the brand's communications 

Furthermore, the Marketo sales funnel can help sales reps track when leads are ready to talk, allowing them to optimize their pitch based on customers' and prospects' interests.

If you're considering using Marketo for your sales team, here are a few tips to make the most of the platform, improve your sales efforts, and boost conversions.

Timely Feedback on Lead Quality

Marketo automation platform requires feedback from sales reps to be more productive for your company. Without feedback, Marketo assumes most leads are sales-ready, which can waste sales team efforts. 

So, what should you do?

  • Sales reps should continue giving feedback to accelerate the system's optimization process.
  • If sales reps keep receiving non-sales-ready or poorly nurtured leads, they must input feedback and revise the lead scoring protocol.
  • Marketo can prevent sending non-sales-ready leads unless they reach the score of being sales-qualified.
  • Consistent feedback from the sales team will allow the automation system to pass on great-quality leads.

Eventually, Marketo sales connect will also start identifying the features of a good lead and finding more high-quality leads for the sales team.

Monitor the Browsing Pattern of Website Visitors

Marketo can track website visitors for follow-up by the sales team. Anonymous visitors who browse the website are known as unknown leads. 

How can a tool like Marketo engage help?

  • The automation tool tracks visitors' location, employment details, and browsing behaviors until they complete a form.
  • Around 98% of site visitors fall into this category but hardly fill out a form.
  • About 70% of these visitors may leave or bounce from the site after one click, indicating their disinterest in your brand.
  • Only 30% of website visitors may genuinely be interested in your brand and have not expressed interest yet.
  • Marketo's sales insight tool can list interested visitors and their company names.
  • Finding leads from the same organization can facilitate the conversion process.

Automating Follow-up Emails

Manual follow-up emails take much time and effort for sales reps to maintain and execute. Marketo can automate the follow-up process by sending personalized, targeted, sales-focused emails to prospects.

How does it work?

  • The marketing automation system can track when the first email is sent and follow up within a specified time.
  • Sales teams can target hundreds of prospects per hour by automating the follow-up process.
  • Marketo allows for personalization beyond just first name and company name and can be customized to align with specific campaigns and lead data.
  • Weekend follow-up emails can be turned off in the system to avoid bothering prospects during their off time.

Collaborating with the marketing team is important to set up the process and optimize the campaigns for maximum impact.

Practicing Strategic Marketing

Marketing and sales team alignment are crucial to the success of your business, especially when it comes to improving your strategic follow-up process. In Marketo, sales engage, and every lead and action is tracked and evaluated based on predetermined metrics. 

By collaborating with your marketing team, you can gain valuable insights into your leads and their interests and determine their readiness to speak with your sales team or if they require further nurturing.

Here are some pointers to help you align with your demand generation team and optimize your sales pitch based on insights and information:

  • Work closely with your demand generation team to pursue leads across various customer journey stages.
  • Obtain lead scores and insights to determine which products and solutions your leads are interested in and tailor your sales pitch accordingly.
  • Extend any help to your demand generation team to foster a stronger partnership between sales and marketing.

By aligning with your marketing team, you can better understand your leads and improve your conversion rate.

Collect "Out of Office" Replies

If your marketing team sends prospecting emails regularly, paying attention to the "out of office" replies is essential. Instead of ignoring these responses, save them! They often contain valuable contact information that you wouldn't have been able to obtain otherwise.

  • Gather Contact Information: These "out of office" replies often contain complete contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses not previously listed in your database. By collecting this data, you can expand your contact list and reach out to leads who have expressed interest in your brand.
  • Plan Follow-Up: In addition to contact information, "out of office" replies can also provide a timeframe for when a lead will be back in the office. This allows you to plan your follow-up accordingly and schedule a conversation conveniently for both parties.
  • Use Mobile Numbers: Some "out of office" replies may include a mobile number, providing another way to reach leads who are not currently in the office.

Collecting and utilizing "out of office" replies can expand your contact list, schedule follow-up conversations, and ultimately increase your chances of converting leads into customers.

Next Steps

Are you looking for a reliable and experienced marketing automation consulting agency to help your sales team accelerate the conversion process and increase reach? Then let’s talk!

At Growth Natves, our Marketo-certified experts specialize in optimizing the sales process using the Marketo sales connect platform. 

Whether you're just starting with Marketo or looking to take your sales efforts to the next level, we can provide you with the hands-on tips and guidance you need to succeed. 

We work closely with your in-house team to understand your unique business needs and goals and develop a customized strategy to help you achieve them.To know more about our services, email us at, or call us at +1 855-693-4769.

Author Box

Rahul Saini

Rahul Saini is a published author of three books, brand storyteller, and marketing specialist with experience across multiple industries like manufacturing, IT, and publishing. He is an intellectually curious, and creative person who loves to tell stories, read books, and write fiction.

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Marketo is a marketing automation platform that helps businesses streamline their marketing processes and automate their marketing campaigns. By using Marketo, businesses can save time, increase efficiency, and improve their marketing efforts. Marketo provides a range of tools for lead generation, lead management, email marketing, social media marketing, analytics, and more, making it an all-in-one platform for marketing automation.

Marketo is used for marketing automation, lead generation, lead management, email marketing, social media marketing, analytics, and more. Marketo enables businesses to automate their marketing campaigns and streamline their marketing processes, from lead generation to lead nurturing and conversion. Marketo provides a range of tools and features that help businesses optimize their marketing efforts and improve their ROI.

Marketo Salesforce is the integration of Marketo with Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform. This integration allows businesses to seamlessly sync their marketing and sales processes, from lead generation to lead conversion. With Marketo Salesforce, businesses can easily track leads, monitor their activity, and manage their sales pipeline from within the same platform.

Marketo Sales Insight is a tool provided by Marketo that helps sales teams prioritize their leads and focus on the most promising opportunities. Marketo Sales Insight provides sales reps with real-time information on their leads’ behavior and interests, enabling them to tailor their approach and increase their chances of success. Marketo Sales Insight also provides lead scoring and lead tracking, helping sales reps identify the most qualified leads and move them through the sales funnel.

Marketo in Salesforce is the integration of Marketo with Salesforce, a leading customer relationship management (CRM) platform. This integration allows businesses to seamlessly sync their marketing and sales processes, from lead generation to lead conversion. With Marketo in Salesforce, businesses can easily track leads, monitor their activity, and manage their sales pipeline from within the same platform. This integration also allows sales reps to access real-time information on their leads’ behavior and interests, helping them to prioritize their leads and increase their chances of success.

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