Designing an Automated Nurture Flow? Consider These 8 Factors

Automated Nurture Flow
  • By Sakshi Arora,
    Published on: Jul 25, 2022
  • Updated on: Mar 30, 2023
  • Marketing Automation

As a marketer, you do everything perfectly. You create and run a marketing campaign that ensures thousands of new contacts lined up in your marketing automation suite. But, what next? You feel stuck, wondering how do you move them down the funnel? How do you get them to know more about your business and finally convert them into repeat customers?

For sure, this is challenging.

You may successfully attract prospects with your content to visit your website, but may not be always able to convince them enough to buy. 

But one thing that you can always do is increase your chances considerably with a lead nurturing program. Lead nurturing involves a sequence of well crafted messages and experiences delivered via perfect marketing channels at the perfect time. But do you know what is even better? Automated lead nurturing. 

Automated lead nurturing builds stronger bonds with leads to produce better results. You can more readily transform prospects into marketing qualified leads (MQLs), increasing brand recognition and sales conversion. These marketing automation procedures help you save time, money, and risk of human error. The automatic nurturing program is simple to modify once it has been set up to accommodate any changes in your plan. 

8 Things to Watch When Designing an Automated Nurture Flow

You need to be careful and patient when drafting an automated lead nurturing campaign. Because around 80% of new leads never translate into sales, and the companies that do excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a 33% lower cost. 

If you are wondering what factors you should consider while designing your automated nurture flow, we are here to help. In this blog post, we explore how you can design an automated nurture flow to make the most out of your lead nurturing strategy.

1. Segment Your Target Audience

Proper lead segmentation makes it simple to create and distribute targeted emails to each group. The most important step in your automated lead nurturing process is creating buyer personas. It's a brilliant idea to put your trust in a powerful automation solution to group all of your leads. Segmentation can take place on the basis of:

  • Age, gender, locality, nation, religion, and other demographic factors.
  • Events, when a specific action causes pre-planned emails to be sent.
  • Buyer's stage: Leads are segmented and email campaigns are redirected based on the buyer's stage.
  • Leads' online behavior on your website or application.

2. Set-Up Lead Scoring and Qualification System

For the purpose of developing an automated nurturing flow, a lead scoring system is important. It ensures a successful marketing campaign, more sales, and aids in the coordination of sales and marketing. The process begins with the creation of buyer personas, followed by the selection of a qualifying threshold and the attributes to which points should be assigned.

Lead qualifying and lead scoring are closely related and help in weeding out prospects from your database's cluttered list. This procedure aids in your assessment of a prospect's compatibility with your previously chosen ideal customer profile (ICP). Through lead qualifying, you can also ascertain whether a lead has a high likelihood of becoming a customer and if they will become a long-term one.

3. Create Landing Pages

Landing pages are another aspect of automation that aid in lead nurturing. The entry point of a website or a specific section of your website is a landing page. The page's objective is to grab the viewer's interest and persuade them to stick around and look for more.

Make sure the landing page is strong, has tracking, is provided intelligently, and has a clever design for it to produce conversions. Also, consider landing page trends and what your rivals are doing.The majority of automation systems have drag-and-drop editors so you may change the components of your landing page.

4. Be Content-Ready

The foundation of every marketing team effort is content. The lead nurturing process becomes more vital for marketers as digital marketing grows and more firms go online. Creating continuous, engaging material with a strong emphasis on the customer journey event is a key component of content marketing for lead nurturing. 

For greatest influence on prospects' decision-making processes, you must create well-targeted content that is properly prepared. In order to keep your clients' attention and give them useful information about your business, product, or service that they are interested in, you need to develop compelling content.

5. Consider Marketing Automation Workflow Templates

You must establish an appropriate workflow to efficiently nurture your leads if you want to nurture them properly. For example, you must programmatically determine which emails, tags, segments, and landing pages to send when and in what order. This is a feature that is not only beneficial but also efficient in terms of time.

6. Market Across Channels

You may incorporate a multi-channel strategy employing text messages, in-app messaging, and even social media inside your automated flow if your company has access to a marketing platform that allows messaging across many channels. This information can be found in your CRM according to the contact's preferred channel. Use the channels that have a high conversion rate to successfully reach your target demographics.

7. Test Everything

Rushing the launch of an automated lead nurturing campaign is the biggest mistake a marketer can make. Particularly in the world of digital marketing, testing is necessary. You don't want leads to receive emails with errors in them or inaccessible downloads. Check whether the messaging is clear by placing yourself in the position of a lead.

8. Measure Your Results

At the very core of the automated nurture flow is data-backed digital marketing. The best automation systems produce priceless data that offer the understanding you need to target and customize your messaging. This includes assessing performance using attribution models.

Start keeping an eye on the objectives and targets you set at the beginning of the lead nurturing process. The following key metrics are part of your automated lead nurturing flow:

  • Rate of responses
  • Lifetime worth (LTV)
  • Rate of opt-in
  • Sales cycle length
  • Rates of unsubscribes
  • Cost per client


One of the best ways to boost the results of your marketing activities is to automate your lead nurturing strategy. It operates by sending tailored and focused messages which facilitates a prospect's smooth progression through the sales funnel until they are prepared to purchase from you.
Creating an automated lead nurture flow can be tricky. Lucky for you, Growth Natives will get you all the resources with the best team to create a perfect automated nurture flow. Write to us today at

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Sakshi Arora

Sakshi Arora is a seasoned content writer and editor with extensive experience across various industries including B2C, B2B, travel, e-commerce, and IT. In her free time, she enjoys expressing her creative side through painting and writing poetry. She also finds solace in nature and has a deep spiritual connection. Music brings her immense joy.

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